New Things Have Come Part Two.

We have already begun looking into Gods Word to see what He says about the new man, and how we can begin applying this to our everyday lives by allowing God to change our thinking. Now were going to address how this new man thinking will lead us to emotional wholeness.

Part of allowing God to change our thinking, changes how we view ourselves and others. When our thinking is in line with God’s we begin to “put on” our new man which is our identity in Christ.

So many of us, myself included, have lived our lives with an incorrect view of ourselves. We tend to base our value on what others say about us, what society says we should be, or how we compare ourselves to others.
Many of us have had some type of abuse in our lifetime, much from our childhoods. We also tend to decide for ourselves what we will be. which of course is usually based on what others and society tell us we should be! All of these things have become programmed into our thinking and need to be addressed and replaced with a correct view.

Sometimes we are unaware of the bad thought patterns we have established into our thinking. This is why its so important we allow the Holy Spirit full access to reveal these things to us. I love what David prayed in Psalms….

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Psalm 139:23-24

The Lord wants to restore us to wholeness but we must allow Him to bring out things hidden in us, address them, and start on the path of healing. This is the only way to true healing from the inside out!

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